Hemet Coin Club
Calendar of Upcoming Programs and Events
Hemet Coin Club Meetings
Provident Bank (in the community room)
1690 Florida Ave. Hemet, CA
Meetings start at 12:00 PM (Noon) and held on the third Wednesday of each month.
Phil D. will be giving a presentation on Franklin Half Dollars and Jim P. will give a synopsis of the release of the new Morgan and Peace Dollars from the Mint.
We will be having our first live meeting in over a year this month!
The meeting will start at 12:30 on 21 April 2021 at our usual picnic pavilion at Mary Henley Park at 801 Kirby Str. Hemet .
A meeting agenda is attached to the email version of this newsletter and I will have additional copies available at the meeting
Show and Tell is encouraged but please keep the presentations to a reasonable size.
Remember that we must adhere to all the Covid-19 protocols!
It is required that if you are going to attend that you have completed your Covid-
19 vaccination(s).
Masks will still be required.
There will be no food or beverages provided, you must bring what you may require for yourself and not share.
Seating is limited at the pavilion. It is recommended that you bring some type of
lawn chair so that we can maintain 6 ft. distancing from other members.
Mark your calendars!
Dennis Hogan (Hemet Numismatists Club President)
We will again be hosting a telephone conference Club Meeting on March 17th (St. Patricks Day!) at 1:30 p.m. Please note that this a bit later than our usual club meeting time to allow our Secretary time to get home from work.The meeting should be short but fun with prizes and what ever you want to bring to eat and drink. I have included a toll-free number and conference code. Hope everyone can join us!
The meeting will start at 1:30 on 17 March 2021.
To join the meeting dial: toll free 1-800-201-6394 or 1-310-372-7549 Enter conference code: 172023
You are in.
Mark your calendars!
Dennis Hogan (Hemet Numismatists Club President)
We will again be hosting a telephone conference Club Meeting on January 20th at 1:30 p.m. Please note that this a bit later than our usual club meeting time to allow our Sec- retary time to get home from work. Said Secretary will also attempt to be a little more proficient this month in the taking of club meeting notes as well! :) The meeting should be short but fun with prizes and what ever you want to bring to eat and drink. I have included a toll-free number and conference code. Hope everyone can join us for the last meeting of the year.
The meeting will start at 1:30 on 17 February 2021.
To join the meeting dial: toll free 1-800-201-6394 or 1-310-372-7549 Enter conference code: 172023
You are in.
Mark your calendars!
Dennis Hogan (Hemet Numismatists Club President)
We will again be hosting a telephone conference Club Meeting on January 20th at 1:30 p.m. Please note that this a bit later than our usual club meeting time to allow our Sec- retary time to get home from work. Said Secretary will also attempt to be a little more proficient this month in the taking of club meeting notes as well! :) The meeting should be short but fun with prizes and what ever you want to bring to eat and drink. I have included a toll-free number and conference code. Hope everyone can join us for the last meeting of the year.
The meeting will start at 1:30 on 20 January 2021.
To join the meeting dial: toll free 1-800-201-6394 or 1-310-372-7549 Enter conference code: 172023
You are in.
Mark your calendars!
Dennis Hogan (Hemet Numismatists Club President)
Season’s Greetings to Everyone!

We will be hosting a telephone Christmas – End of the Year Coin Club Meeting on December 16th at 1:30 p.m. The meeting should be short but fun with prizes and what ever you want to bring to eat and drink. I have included a toll-free number and conference code. Hope everyone can join us for the last meeting of the year.
The meeting will start at 1:30 on 16 December 2020.
To join the meeting dial: toll free 1-800-201-6394 or
Enter conference code: 172023
You are in.
Mark your calendars.
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year. . . . . .
Dennis Hogan (Hemet Numismatists Club President)
This month we will be having a phone conference call meeting plus a “Coin and Currency Question and Answer” session with myself and Phil DeAugustino answering questions from the audience. There will be coin prizes (max. 6 prizes!) for questions that stump the Moderators so get your questions ready and we should have an interesting afternoon! For those of you that have never done a phone conference before, please don’t be intimidated, its EASY!
Here is all that you need to do:
1. Dial 310-372-7549 on your house phone or cell phone
2. When the number answers type 172023 into your phone
3. Wait for the conference to start. In a moment You’ll hear other people talking so you will know your connected. Please be courteous and speak individually to avoid step- ping on each others conversations!
4. Simple as that.
The meeting will start at 1:30 on 18 November 2020. I realize this a little later than our usual meeting time but I need to drive home from work! :) I hope to hear from everyone next week and if you need any assistance or have any questions please send me an email at jimjumper83@gmail.com or call me at 951-551-9480
In attending and viewing some of the other club on-line meetings, educational programs continue to be an important part of those meetings. Depending on the format of the e-meeting, it appears that PowerPoint type presentations are fairly easy to do and audience participation is also manageable. One advantage of e-programs is that your target audience becomes much larger. For example I logged in to the Glendale coin club meeting last night. The Glendale club normally has 30-40 in person attendees but for the electronic version over 80 attended! We’ll see what the future holds but, for the moment, I will be pushing forward with hosting our next meeting on-line.
This month, our President, Dennis Hogan, has graciously volunteered to present this months program. He will doing a presentation on “Modern Coin Oddities”. I am sure that it will be an interesting presentation and I’m looking forward to it! Dennis will be on vacation during the April meeting so the timing is good for his presentation.
Last months program was provided by Jim Phillips on “Odd and Curious Money”. It is amazing the number of items that have been used and transacted as money by vari- ous cultures. I hope it was informative. :)
This months program will be provided by Jim Phillips and I will be speaking on “Odd and Curious Money”. I have done this lecture in the past (5 years ago) but I have picked up enough new material to update this lecture. It should be entertaining and if you don’t collect “odd and Curious” it might just be inclined to get you started!

This months program has yet to be decided. I will try to send out a notice to the on-line crowd and if needed I will provide a program.
Last month, of course, there was no actual program since we had our Annual Christmas Luncheon. Be sure to thank Rafael for his efforts in making the arrangements, Thanks! I thought the luncheon went extremely well and was very happy with the facilities, the food, and the service! I left a very favorable Yelp! review and I hope everyone else was happy with the luncheon also. They even provided Bob with a birthday cake and some song!
This month, of course, there will be no program since we will be having our Christmas Luncheon. It will be held at the El Zarape restaurant at 4270 E. Florida Ave. at 12:00. Hope to see you all there!
Last month Jim Phillips presented a PowerPoint program on “Fractional Currency”. It appeared to be well received, with a number of interesting questions

This months program will be done by yours truly and will then be done again the next night for the San Bernardino Coin Club. The topic is “Fractional Currency” and all of the notes displayed will be from my own collection. While I don’t quite have a complete type set of fractional pieces I certainly have enough for the program. And it also gave me the impetus to finally get around to scanning all my fractional notes. These little pieces of history are quite collectible and are an interesting collecting specialty. See you there!
Last month we had our “White Elephant” sale which went really well. “Thanks” goes to Ken Busby, our Auctioneer, and Dennis Hogan and Phil DeAugustino, as our runners. I would be remiss if I also didn’t mention Rafael Flores for organizing the finances and keeping things running smoothly and quickly. Thanks! We made a nice profit for the club and Thank You! to everyone that donated items or bought items!

This month’s program will be our White Elephant Sale. We generally have a nice assortment of items offered and we hope that everyone will be able to participate.
This is your chance to clear out the things cluttering your house or garage and help the club raise a few dollars. Items wanted are basically anything that someone else would want. (No junk, please!) The Auctioneer duties will be handled by our own Ken Busby. Bring your donations and your cash and the club will reap your generosity! I will be bringing a few items of my own and I hope others will do the same.
Last month was our Annual “Ice Cream Social”! The club provided ice cream and toppings for all attendees. We also had a large “Show and Tell” segment to ensure we still had some coin and currency related discussion and something to look at. First, let me say Thank You! to Dennis Hogan for handling the shopping duties and providing all the ice cream and toppings. Also thanks, to all the people that brought in items for “Show and Tell”. It made for an informative afternoon!
This month is our Annual “Ice Cream Social”! The club will be providing ice cream and toppings for all attendees. Since we will not have a for- mal program I am counting on everyone to bring in something for “Show and Tell”. I know that I picked up a couple of things at the Golden State Coin Show and there are rumors that Phil DeAugustino didn’t leave empty handed from the last Long Beach show. Bringing anything you wish to display and the club will be the better for it!

Last month, our guest speaker, Dr. Robert Fagaly, gave an excellent presentation on Comitia Americana medals. Thanks for the visit and we hope to have you back again sometime!
I have posted in the “Announcements” that our guest speaker this month is Dr. Robert Fagaly, who will be speaking on "Comitia Americana Medals, Americas First Medals of Honor”. These medals are very interesting and historical and this should be a presen- tation well worth attending. I won’t belabor what I have already posted so as to not steal any of Dr. Fagalys thunder. If anyone reading this knows of someone that would be interested in attending please feel free to invite them to attend or bring them along. This will be a perfect time to introduce individuals to our club and i encourage anyone, member or not, to attend!
Last month, Phil DeAugustino presented a program on “Collecting Silver Certificates”. A number of members, including myself, brought in a nice variety of silver certificates and Phil provided us with an informative program about collecting them. Thank you, to Phil!
As I reported above, last month our program was a large group “Show and Tell”. It always nice to have an easy program and see what other people collect that might interest you as well.
This month, Phil DeAugustino will be doing a program on “Collecting Silver Certificates”. I am looking forward to it since I also have collected a few, although budget constraints really slow me down when it comes to these notes. It should certainly be an interesting topic and if anyone has any of their own, please bring them for display.
As I have noted above, our program this month will be a large group “Show and Tell”. I hope that everyone that wishes has a chance to show off their latest acquisitions and especially provide a little background about them. For further details please see the section above!
Last month was our Annual Club Picnic. Please remember to thank Rafael for his efforts in organizing, purchasing supplies, and cooking for the pic- nic. He really has become our go-to guy for this event and we owe him a “Thank You” for his hard work and time expended. When you have a moment let him know his ef- forts are appreciated!
I’ll be asking at this meeting whether we preferred Mary Henley Park or if we wish to return to Gibbell Park but I have a feeling I know what the answer will be.

Our Super Auction last month was very well attended and also very active in the bidding. We had over 80 lots of items and approximately 70% of the listed items sold. I would like to extend my personal “Thanks” to our awesome Auctioneer, Dennis Hogan, Phil DeAugustino, our busy lot runner, and to Rafael Flores, for handling the accounting chores! If you bought or sold anything at the Auction let them know that their efforts didn’t go unnoticed. Thanks!

This month is our Annual Club Picnic. Rafael has been hard at work doing the organizing and he gave a briefing at the last club meeting and is all ready to go. Burgers, Dogs, and fixin’s are all provided by the club as are drinks. Pot Luck dishes are greatly appreciated but not required. We will be set up at a new venue this year, Mary Henley Park, located at 801 Kirby Str. It’s a fairly small park so we shouldn’t be too hard to find and we will also have the club banner set up. We will be doing our usual raffle and 50/50 plus we will be doing Bingo, and we will have NASC Gold Tickets as Bingo prizes. We will not be doing any Show and Tell items but feel free to bring out anything you want to brag about. I will also be taking some Club photos for the Scrapbook section of the website. I hope everyone can attend and I look forward to seeing everyone at the May picnic!
Well, taxes have come and gone, and while personally it was a bit painful this year I have enough left that I may be able to bid on a few items in this months “Super Auction”. I hope that everyone joins me in doing the same. Right now, there are 65 lots listed with this news- letter and I expect a few more items to be put up the day of the sale. There is quite a bit of variety in the lots listed, so I am sure there will be something that interests everyone. For those that recognize their items in the auction listing, your lot numbers are all listed so if you already have lot cards you can fill them out or I will have plenty for everyone the day of the sale. The lot numbers and cards make it much easier to figure total sales and final auction prices so we can make close of business as quick and easy as possible!
Last month I did a presentation on “Challenge Coins”. I hope everyone was at least entertained! I had a couple of requests for specific challenge coins and have managed to locate at least one of them. If anyone else has a specific group, unit, or ship and wants me to check let me know and I’ll be happy to see what I can find.

I am going to be doing a presentation on “Challenge Coins” this month. I have a fair collection of these coins and I’ll cover the collecting of them and where to get them. I’ll also have plenty of examples to display so it should be entertaining at least!
Last month, Phil did an excellent presentation on creating and adding to a numismatic library. There is certainly enough variety in reference materials to keep an individual busy. Remember the old saying “Buy the book before your buy the coin”!

This month, in addition to a fair amount of club business of various types, Phil DeAu- gustino will be doing a presentation on “Building a Numismatic Library”! The old saying “Buy the book before your buy the coin.” is truer than ever in this age of third party grading, market grading, counterfeits and coin doctors. I’ll have some pic- tures of my own small library and I’ll probably bring some books that I consider indispensable just for “Show and Tell” as well. I am really looking forward to hearing it since I know that Phil has a nice library just from what he has displayed as “Show and Tell” himself.
Last month, Dennis Hogan did a lecture on Buffalo Nickels. Buffalo nickels were one of my first interests when I started collecting, so I found it very informative and appreciated! Thank You, Dennis!

This month, our own Dennis Hogan will be doing a pre- sentation on “Buffalo Nickels”! am really looking forward to hearing it after the break during the holiday season. I plan to see you all there!
Last month, of course, there was no actual programsince we had our Annual Christmas Luncheon. I thought the luncheon went extremely well and was very happy with the facilities, the food, and the service! I left a very favorable Yelp! review and I hope everyone else was happy with the luncheon also.
This month, of course, there will be no program since we will be having our Annual Christmas Luncheon. I have already given all the details for sign-ups and location in the “Club Business and Announcements” section.
Last month, Jim Phillips gave a lecture on collecting International Banknotes and sug- gestions on ways to collect them. He also displayed a number of different world notes with unusual vignettes and themes. Thanks!
This month Dennis Hogan is going to do a PowerPoint presentation that was put together for a group of Valley Wide recreation patrons. I am sure it will be informative and entertaining and I am looking forward to hearing it.
Last month’s program was our White Elephant Sale. Ken did a superb job of the Auctioneering duties and we raised over $120 for the club Well Done! to all the people that donated and Thank You! to everyone that bid and purchased items.
This month’s program will be our White Elephant Sale. We generally have a nice assortment of items offered and we hope that everyone will have the chance participate.
This is your chance to clear out the things cluttering your house or garage and help the club raise a few dollars. Items wanted are basically anything that someone else would want. (No junk, please!) The Auctioneer duties will be handled by our own Ken Busby. Bring your donations and your cash and the club will reap your generosity! I will be bringing a few items of my own and I hope others will do the same.
Last months program was our Annual Ice Cream Social. Once a year, when the weather is hot, we have our Ice Cream Social and just enjoy getting out of the heat and having some ice cream! While I did not arrive until after the festivities were over, it did appear that everyone enjoyed themselves. I will be sure to publicly thank whoever did the final organizing at the next meeting but until then, a Thank You! to the organizer(s) will have to suffice!
Last month, we had a very nice program by Phil DeAugustino on U.S. Peace dollars. He also had an excellent display of his own collection along with supporting displays from some other members. Thank You, Phil!
This months program is our Annual Ice Cream Social. Once a year, when the weather is hot, we have our Ice Cream Social and just enjoy getting out of the heat and having some ice cream! Ice cream and toppings will be provided and we would appreciate it if anyone wishes to donate cookies, brownies, or any other type of snack. We will not have a formal education program so “Show and Tell” items are actively encouraged.
This month Dennis Hogan is going to do a presentation on U.S. Peace Dollars. I know that there are at least a couple of people, including myself, in the club that collect Peace dollars so we should have plenty of examples to look at. There is quite a bit of history and anecdotal story about the Peace dollar and its production so it should be very entertaining.
Last month I did a presentation based on coin show finds that I thought were interesting or historical. I hope everyone enjoyed it!
I will be doing the program this month and I will be giving a program that I gave at the Upland Coin Club some years ago that was just fun to do. People ask me all the time about why I go to coin shows and while usually I have something specific that I am looking for in dealers stocks, a lot of times I am just looking for things that are unusual. So this month I will be bringing in 15 items that I picked up during my coin show visits. These are things that are maybe historical, or coin related, or just something that was interesting and I had to have! As usual, we will be having our “Show and Tell” segment so if you have items in a similar vein or just something you want to show off bring them in as this will be a very informal type of get together. We usually would be doing our Anniversary luncheon this month but with the rescheduling of the Picnic, the Board didn't want to do 2 pot luck food events in a row. It was decided that we would pick up pizza as refreshments for this club meeting and with the heat right now, an afternoon of pizza and coin talk in a cool place sounds pretty enticing!
This month is our rescheduled :) Annual Club Picnic. Rafael has been hard at work doing the organizing and he gave a briefing to the Board and is all ready to go. Burgers, Dogs, and fixin’s are all provided by the club as are drinks. Pot Luck dishes are greatly appreciated but not required. We will be set up at our usual back pavilion near the horseshoe pits at Gibbell Park (2500 W. Florida Ave.). It’s a fairly small park so we shouldn’t be too hard to find and we will also
have the club banner set up. We will be doing our usual raf- fle and 50/50 plus we will be doing Bingo, (We will have NASC Gold Tickets as Bingo
prizes, I hope!). We will not be doing any Show and Tell items but feel free to bring out anything you want to brag about. I will be taking photos for our club scrapbook and to update our website with a group club photo. I hope everyone can attend and I look for- ward to seeing everyone at the picnic!
This month is our Annual Club Picnic. Rafael has been hard at work doing the organizing and he gave a briefing at the last club meeting and is all ready to go. Burgers, Dogs, and fixin’s are all provided by the club as are drinks. Pot Luck dishes are greatly appreciated but not required. We will be set up at our usual back pavilion near the horseshoe pits at Gibbell Park (2500 W. Florida Ave.). It’s a fairly small park so we shouldn’t be too hard to find and we will also have the club banner set up. We will be doing our usual raffle and 50/50 plus we will be doing Bingo, (We will have NASC Gold Tickets as Bingo prizes, I hope!). We will not be doing any Show and Tell items but feel free to bring out anything you want to brag about. It would be greatly appreciated if someone took photos since I will not be attending this year. (More info in the Editor section) I hope everyone can attend and I look forward to seeing everyone at the June meeting!

Our Super Auction last month was very well attended and also very active in the bidding. We had over 90 lots of items and approximately 75% of the listed items sold.
I would like to extend my personal “Thanks” to Ken Busby, our awesome Auctioneer, Dennis Hogan and Phil DeAugstino, our busy lot runners, and Rafael Flores, for handling the accounting chores! If you bought or sold anything at the Auction let them know that their efforts didn’t go unnoticed. Thanks!
Last month we did a round robin of “What do you collect?” It was very informative of how people starting collecting and what they were currently collecting. I know when I do the newsletter and consider items for the raffle, it helps to know what the interests of the club members. Thanks!

This month’s program is our annual Super Auction! I currently have 75 lots listed and expect to have another 10-20 more before the meeting. Remember you can submit up to 10 lots per member and there is no problem bringing them to the April meeting and listing them then. I will have all the needed paperwork so if you bring your money we should be ready to go. Speaking of money, I am sure that Raphael would appreciate it if you could bring smaller bills and change as it makes his change making duties so much easier.Thanks!
This month’s program announcement is really easy to do since Dennis says he wants it to be a surprise! He let me in on the secret and it does sound like an amusing and interesting activity.
Ed Jerse provided us with an excellent program discussing grading Buffalo nickels, hallmarks on silver items and their value. Plus some interesting insight into the coin show and coin dealing world! Thank You, Ed!

Ed Jerse is going to be our guest speaker this month with an update on the world of professional coin collecting and dealing in coins and bullion. He always updates us with excellent and current information about the world of coin dealing and I expect this time will be no exception. He also provides the prizes for our monthly raffle and has always been very helpful in buying and selling member coins and collections. It should be an interesting talk!
Last month, I did a lecture on Military Payment Certificates. In addition, Dennis Hogan generously volunteered to help me out with some display examples. I hope everyone enjoyed it and maybe learned something about what MPC’s are and about collecting them!
Last month, of course, there was no actual program since we had our Annual Christ- mas Luncheon. I thought the luncheon went extremely well and was very happy with the facilities, the food, and the service! I left a very favorable Yelp! review and I hope everyone else was happy with the luncheon also.
This month, I will be doing a lecture on Military Payment Certificates. In addition, Den- nis Hogan has generously volunteered to help me out with a couple of display exam- ples. I’ll also have my set of fractional MPC’s so we shouldn’t lack for display material. Hope to see you there!
This month, of course, there will be no program since we will be having our Annual Christmas Luncheon. I have already given all the details for sign-ups and location in the “Club Business and Announcements” section.
I didn’t have time to follow up with Phil this month (See Editor notes for reason) to de- termine our program but I am sure that Phil has it handled and it will be an interesting topic. We will be taking care of elections and nominations in any case, so I am sure we will keep busy!
Last month, we had a very successful “White Elephant” sale with a lot of items crossing the block, resulting in a $112.00 treasury enrichment! Thank you, to all that brought items in and everyone that bid on items! Also Thank you, to Ken Busby and Phil DeAu- gustino for handling the Auctioneer and Runner duties respectfully.
This month’s program will be a White Elephant Sale. We generally have a nice assort- ment of items offered and we hope that everyone will
have the chance participate.
This is your chance to clear out the things cluttering your house or garage and help the club raise a few dol- lars. Items wanted are basically anything that someone else would want. (No junk, please!) The Auctioneer du- ties will be handled by our own Ken Busby. Bring your donations and your cash and the club will reap your generosity! I will be bringing a few items of my own and I hope others will do the same.

Last month was our Annual Ice Cream Social. Once a year, Dot Williams organizes and provides ice cream for the club and this year was no exception. Make sure you say “Thank You!” to Dot and let her know it’s appreciated! Also “Thank You!” to everyone that brought extra goodies to enjoy with the ice cream. We also had a very impressive selection of “Show and Tell’ which made for a very enjoyable afternoon.

Last month our own Phil DeAugustino gave a very informative lecture on Astronomy! With all the excitement of the full solar eclipse, it was interesting to see the equipment and references used for this hobby. If I recall correctly, I believe that Phil had the solar filters and camera equipment to take photos. Any chance of seeing some of them this meeting?

This months program is our Annual Ice Cream Social. Once a year, when the weather is hot, we have our Ice Cream Social and just enjoy getting out of the heat and having some ice cream! Dot Williams e-mailed me to volunteer as she has usually organized this in the past and this year is no exception. Ice cream and toppings will be provided and we would appreciate it if anyone wishes to donate cookies, brownies, or any other type of snack. We will not have a formal education program so “Show and Tell” items are actively encouraged. I will have a couple of things from the Golden State Coin Show and I hope others will too. Please say “ThankYou!” to Dot Williams for her thoughtful efforts!
Last month was our Annual Anniversary Luncheon. This year, in an effort to cut waste and expenses, we voted to do a pot-luck get together. I thought this went really well and will be soliciting input from the general membership at the next meeting on the subject. If everyone is agreeable, we’ll make the potluck a permanent arrangement.
This month, Phil DeAugustino will be giving a lecture on Astronomy! Considering that a full solar eclipse will soon occur, this should be some really interesting material! I hope to see you all there!
This month is our Annual Anniversary Luncheon. This year, in an effort to cut waste and expenses, we voted to do a pot-luck get together. The club will be providing drinks and will also have paper plates, bowls, and silverware. If anyone needs anything in the way of serving utensils or anything out of the ordinary, please let me know and I’ll be happy to work anything out. All contributions will be gratefully appreciated and if anyone needs any suggestions as to something to bring, feel free to call me at 951-551-9480 and we can review the sign-up list. I hope to see everyone there!
Due to the Club Picnic we didn’t have a “Show and Tell” segment last
meeting. Since I presume that some of us have accumulated a few items since April I thought it would be a good idea to have a combined and extended Program/Show &Tell. Also since we will also be having a Board meeting following our regular meeting a shortened program is probably a good idea. So if you have anything to brag about or show off or just want to display and talk about, this month is for you. I will have a few things of my own and encourage everyone to bring something in! And also remember to get your free raffle ticket for displaying a “Show and Tell” item!

Our Super Auction last month was well attended and also very active in the bidding. We had over 110 lots of items and approximately 65% of the listed items sold.
I would like to extend my personal “Thanks” to Ken Busby, our awesome Auctioneer, Jerry Bodenhorn and Mike Baylie , our busy lot runners, and Mary Ann Bodenhorn, for handling the accounting chores!! If you bought or sold anything at the Auction let them know that their efforts didn’t go unnoticed. Thanks!!!

This month is our Annual Club Picnic. Rafael has been hard at work doing the organiz- ing and he gave a briefing at the last club meeting and is all ready to go. Burgers, Dogs, and fixin’s are all provided by the club as are drinks. Pot Luck dishes are greatly appreciated but not required. We will be set up at our usual back pavilion near the horseshoe pits at Gibbell Park (2500 W. Florida Ave.). It’s a fairly small park so we shouldn’t be too hard to find and we will also have the club banner set up. We will be doing our usual raffle and 50/50 plus we will be doing Bingo, (We will have NASC Gold Tickets as Bingo prizes). We will not be doing any Show and Tell items but feel free to bring out any- thing you want to brag about. I will also be taking a group photo of the club and will submit it to the ANA along with a couple of photos from the display at the Library. I hope everyone can attend and I look for- ward to seeing everyone.

Remember that April is our Annual Super Auction. I am currently working on everyone’s lot listings and should have them done and ready to go with this newsletter. I will do 1 last check for submissions Monday, 10 Apr. and then I’ll post the newsletter and the lot listings at the same time. It looks like we have a wide selection of items to bid on this year and we already have over 100 items for sale. If anyone still wishes to sell items but hasn’t sent me their list please bring them to the meting and we can still lot and sell them then. I hope you bring your wallets and be sure to look over the items before the sale to ensure what your bidding on is the item you want. One last thing, Mary Ann asked that if possible, to bring small bills so as to cut down on the amount of change we will need. Thanks for your help!
We are going to try again to do what was originally scheduled as January’s program. The topic is “Collecting Morgan Dollars’. Phil is an ardent collector of Morgan’s and I also have a reasonable collection myself that I will bring. I also know of a number of our members collect Morgans so we should have plenty of display material. Should be an interesting topic and discussion.

This months program will be conducted by Jim Philips on the subject of "Collecting Colonial Currency". I'll be talking about the different ways to collect Colonial currency along with a (Short!) PowerPoint presentation on the various colony issues. I’ll also have some display pieces so you can see what they look like! As you might notice, there are a couple of Colonial related items in this months newsletter that I will also talk about. I will try to be informative and maybe I can inspire others to collect a bit of Colonial history!
Last month, of course, there was no actual program since we had our Annual Christ- mas Luncheon. I thought the luncheon went extremely well and was very happy with the facilities, the food, and the service! I left a very favorable Yelp! review and I hope everyone else was happy with the luncheon also. I will take an informal opinion survey at the January meeting for any improvement ideas.

This months program topic is “Collecting Morgan Dollars’. Phil was nice enough to donate ”The Guidebook of Morgan Dollars” as a giveaway at the Christmas party so we are going to use that as the theme for this months meeting. I know of a number of our members that collect Morgans, including myself, so we should have plenty of display material. Should be an interesting topic and discussion.
I would also suggest that we have a slightly expanded “Show and Tell”. I have a number of items to display from the holidays and I am sure that others have the same. Lets see those gifts!
This month, of course, there will be no program since we will be having our Annual Christmas Luncheon. I have already given all the details for sign-ups and location in the “Announcements” section.
Last months program was a very informative presentation by Phil DeAugustino about collecting 1914 Federal Reserve Notes. He has an extensive collection of these notes and is an avid collector of them. There were color handouts of the note types which was very nice! Thank You, Phil!

This month’s program will be a presentation by Phil DeAugustino about collecting 1914 Federal Reserve Notes. He has an extensive collection of these notes and there are over 200 different denomination/signature combination in this series. Should be interesting, especially if you have an interest in large size notes!
Last month was our White Elephant/Bake Sale. We raised around $85 which is about $10 more than last year. It may not seem like a lot but those small amounts pay for most of our activities plus subsidize our annual Christmas Luncheon. Thanks to everyone that purchased items and our club Officers that volunteered to mange the sale!
This month’s program will be a combination White Elephant/Bake Sale. We usually only have the White Elephant sale but in an effort to stimulate sales we decided to do a combined sale. We generally have a nice assortment of items offered and we hope that by adding a Bake Sale option that we provide an opportunity to have everyone participate.
This is your chance to clear out the things cluttering your house or garage and help the club raise a few dollars. Items wanted are basically anything that someone else would want. (No junk, please!) Or, if the kitchen is your area of expertise, donations of baked goods for sale will be greatly appreciated! If bringing a baked donation we would appreciate limiting the size of baked donations to prevent anything going to waste. Quality not quantity please! The Auctioneer duties will be handled by our own Ken Busby. Bring your donations and your cash and the club will reap your generosity!
Last month was our Annual Ice Cream Social. Once a year, Dot Williams organizes and provides ice cream for the club and this year was no exception. Make sure you say “Thank You!” to Dot and let her know it’s appreciated! Also “Thank You!” to everyone that brought extra goodies to enjoy with the dec cream. We also had a very impressive selection of “Show and Tell’ which made for a very enjoyable afternoon.
Last month we had a nice lecture on Chess and chess notation presented by our own Phil DeAugustino. He displayed a hanging chess board and demonstrated how chess notation allows people to follow the chess moves of a match without a board!. Pretty interesting lecture and very informative. I remember the matches between Bobby Fischer and Boris Spasky as being big news when I was young. Thanks, Phil!
This months program is our Annual Ice Cream Social. Once a year, when the weather is hot, we have our Ice cream Social and just enjoy getting out of the heat and having some ice cream! Dot Williams has usually done this in the past and this year is no exception. Ice cream and toppings will be provided and we would appreciate it if anyone wishes to donate cookies, brownies, or any other type of snack. We will not have a formal education program so “Show and Tell” items are actively encouraged! I will have a couple of things and I hope others will too.
Last month was our Annual Anniversary Luncheon. We had an excellent selection of salads and deserts and I am quite certain nobody went away hungry! It was nice to see everyone and since there was no specific program I had time to do the “socialize” thing and have some fun! Ellen Busby did an excellent job of organizing aided by Mary Ann Bodenhorn setting up and serving. Thank You, to both of you!
For those that don’t know it our own Phil DeAugustino is quite the chess master! He attends a national chess championship every year and is very active in the chess world. He will be doing a presentation this month called “Chess Anyone?” I am looking forward to this presentation and I am sure that others will be as well. I am definitely not a chess master myself but I do find the game interesting and challenging so this should be an interesting diversion.
I will also have just returned from the ANA Worlds Fair of Money, along with Phil and Mary Ann and Jerry so we should certainly have a few things for our “Show and Tell” as well!
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