Hemet Coin Club
The Best Little Coin Club in Southern California!

EDITORS MESSAGE: This month I have made arrangements to again hold our meet- ing at the Seven Hills Members Club. We have met there before and while they have in the past charged us $25 for the privilege, there was no mention of a fee this month or last! We do not have specific reservations however, we have the use of the room if no else rents it but for1:30 in the afternoon it would be unlikely that someone would rent it in the next week. As small a group as we are, I don’t expect a problem. As usual, I do ask that if anyone has “Show and Tell” to please bring it just in case. If anyone wishes to volunteer to present a program it would be greatly appreciated but, if not, I’ll arrange something at the last minute.
There is a map below to help find the place (Remember! It is the 7 Hills Member Club at 3050 Jacaranda Way, not the golf course clubhouse!) but if you are unsure of the location, PLEASE! call me (951-551-9480) and we will work out any details. I will be working until about 12:30 that day so I will always be near my phone if you have difficulty.Hope to see everyone next week. Jim
Editors Message For August